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To be quite honest, I am not sure why my name has not appeared on Google. Not only as the first hit, but the first 5 pages entirely.  The steps I had taken in expanding my digital identity are very much like my peers in class. I had created accounts for Facebook, Youtube, Flickr, Vimeo and all other required networks. In doing so, I also uploaded various content onto each account and posted tags that included my name, the new media program and Ryerson University. I also created Meta Keys to increase the chances of my name moving up on Google’s search index. I had ultimately hoped that my posts and tags would guide those viewing my content to all of my other pages and of course my WordPress blog. Unfortunately none of the steps I have taken have been successful. Perhaps more time is required for all of my content to become recognized on the web. As my on going attempt to expand my digital identity continues, I will try my best to consistently upload more content and to become a highly active member on each network that I have just recently joined.

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